A while back I thought I'd try submitting some Future Shock ideas to 2000AD. It worked for Alan Moore, right? anyway, here is a sample page of art from the one story I ever managed to write an actual script for...
I really liked the idea for the story, but looking at it now I don't think I really managed to make it work in the script for a 5-pager that I submitted. (Needless to say, the Mighty Tharg agreed wholeheartedly.) Still, never mind - I'm sure I'll end up doing something with it sooner or later.
It's odd, because I usually like fun stories about ninjas fighting robots and what-have-you, but for some reason all the short story ideas I have seem to end up being really quite nasty. I was explaining the plot for this one to Di in a coffee shop and she started to look at me with proper, genuine "what have I married?" horror, which was rather pleasing.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Hey, remember Mo-Bots? They were pretty cool, right?
I'm kind of snowed under with work and deadlines and stuff right now, but have resolved to try and blog every now and then anyway, rather than fall into my usual hermitic radio silence. Anyway, I just read a nice positive thing on the interwebs about David Fickling pledging to bring back the DFC next year, and it put me in a DFC-y mood. So here for your enjoyment are some of the original designs / development artwork from back when I was first working on Mo-Bot High. I've reused bits of these here and there, but I don't think I've ever posted the originals anywhere, so here you go. Enjoy!