Monday 13 July 2009

Z is for... ZZ Top Zapping Zombies

Here is today's extra-final entry in the A to Z of Awesomeness! And we are ending the only way we possibly could have: with Zombies, getting shot the hell up.

Z is for... ZZ Top Zapping Zombies

Extra points if you can name all the zombies!

I am very sorry this is a bit late, real life kind of intruded on me towards the end there, and I didn't want to fob you guys off with a quick knocked-off doodle for the final entry, so I took a couple of days off from it. Anyway, it's done now!

Today's topic was suggested by Kelvin Green, with Brian Pierce throwing in the irresistible idea that said zombies should be all the characters from the A-Z so far. Thanks to them both. Gives it a nice air of finality, I think!

So yeah, that's it! A huge thank you to everyone who got involved here, on the Facebook Group and on Twitter, you have put more smiles on my face with your suggestions than I can count. And also the occasional terrified grimace, just to keep things interesting. Special thanks to those of you who really got involved with suggestions above and beyond the call, including Manolis Vamvounis, Edwin Austin, Elizabeth Taylor, Peta Waller-Bryant, Stephen Fitch, K. D. Bryan... astonishing alliterators, all. Apologies to anyone whose suggestions I never got to, I do honestly feel bad about these things!

To ease any possible awesomeness withdrawal symptoms, I will be updating the blog every day for the rest of the week with some stuff that, whilst not alphabetically themed, should hopefully be pretty awesome nonetheless, as well as hopefully some nice big poster-sized versions of the entire A-Z. Because I am SUCH A NICE GUY!


  1. I just have to say that this was an amazing run and I thank you for sharing your vision with all of us. And OMG, for a split second I thought one of the ZZ Top guys' beard was firing a gun. lol

  2. But where's Frank Beard? You know, the third member of ZZ Top, the one without an actual beard? The drummer?

  3. Thanks for sharing and letting us be involved, Neill!

  4. Completely brilliant - you put so much work into each one! I'm going to blog about it now and proudly add your A-Z to my A-Z page with the others. Well done.

  5. I'm surprised you didn't have Zardoz in there somewhere. Still, very nice.

  6. Absolutely fantastic, as usual. They've got guns and they know how to use them! And thanks for the kind words and for putting this shindig together. Bravo for your Awesomeness! My only regret in all of this is not thinking to add "standing on Serenity" to my "S" entry.

    And since I can't resist a challenge, let's see if I can name them all.

    There's King Kong, Galactus, Voltron and the Atomic Aztek lurking in the background (I think). Nina, Venom, Hagar The Horrible, Hello Kitty, Wonder Woman, Tintin, Yoda and Sulu coming in from the front. Naked Joss Whedon getting headshot point blank in the middle . . . which is the Zombie that made me laugh the hardest once I figured out who it was supposed to be. Evil Edna and the Evolved Emu, Ranma, Doctor Who (another one of my favorite zombies) and finally Captain Britain shambling towards America's most well-bearded rock band.

    Is that accurate? In any case, excellent job. I look forward to seeing all the other terrific things you're going to create in the future.

  7. Good call, K.D.! Sounds pretty accurate to me.

    I, too, love that Dr. Who zombie. This A-Z has indeed been awesome.

  8. Very nearly 100% there, K.D.Bryan! The guy holding Emu is actually Zombie Rod Hull ('Evil Edna' was the weird TV-set creature in the 'E' pic), but I will call that a win given that you managed to read my mind as to the shadowy background giant zombies I wanted to include but couldn't for reasons of scale / laziness. Kudos!

  9. A fantastic end to a wonderful concept! Thanks for the extra kudos - I'll wear my awesome alliterator label with pride :-D


  10. Damn, I knew my non-Britishness would trip me up somehow. Still, thanks for the extra kudos!

  11. Kudos for the effort, but without Frank Beard, it ain't ZZ Top.

  12. I have had several complaints about the lack of the curiously Beardless Mr Beard, and all I can say is that he was too boring-looking to draw. Sorry.

  13. If it helps, you can imagine that he is lying at their feet, his entrails already ripped out by zombie hordes.
