Wednesday 23 December 2009

Paul Erdős Santa

Here's today's Santa! It's... Paul Erdős Santa!

Paul Erdős Santa

This one's for my Dad, who has an Erdős number of 1. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. 1. I have provided illustrations for various of my Dad's books and lectures over the years, and so I have arbitrarily decided that this means I have an Erdős number of 2. If you have no idea what Erdős numbers are, there was a little piece on the subject on a recent episode of the wonderful podcast Radiolab, or you can just, y'know, look on wikipedia or something.

And to the 99.9% of regular readers of this blog who I have just completely baffled / alienated: it'll be mutant crabs or zombie pirate lizard-men or something again tomorrow, promise.


  1. It's simple. It's like the Kevin Bacon thing, only with maths. On with the mutant crabs!

  2. So by your estimation this blog has a 1000 readers.

    (See I can work your fancy 'maths' too! Who's laughing now!)

  3. Ha, good point! Hoist by my own maths-y petard.

    Lets amend that to "the 75% of regular readers of this blog who are not My Dad)".

  4. Technically, you did collaborate with your father over his work, even if not in a mathematical sense, so assigning your self Erdos No 2 is not really that arbitrary. :)
    BTW, Erdos no always reminds me of this XKCD comic:

  5. Well, I couldn't resist commenting on this, now, could I? Neill has done several illustrations for me, including chapter headings for the legendary Oligomorphic Permutation Groups; I think he qualifies for Erdö number 2.

    And if you do want to read more about Paul Erdös, you can find the story of my joint work with him on my blog, at

  6. sorry, that's - not easy doing this from the Oxford to London bus...
