Sunday, 28 December 2008

I love GOLD

I hope you'll forgive me a moment of annoying self-backpatting, but this is a bit special. My strip Mo-Bot High recently won the Golden Oinky award for Best Strip in The DFC, as voted for by the readers of that august periodical. I even got to appear in the comic, collecting my award in person, as illustrated by the very talented Zak Simmonds-Hurn. I kept my "acceptance speech" on the brief-and-flippant side as, y'know, I thought that would be funnier, but I just wanted to say here how genuinely thrilled and just absolutely bowled over I was by the whole thing. Getting the chance to do my little mallory-towers-with-giant-robots magnum opus really is a dream come true for me, and the fact that other people seem to be actually enjoying it as well is more awesome than I can possibly say.

Okay, that's it, you can relax! Moment of genuineness over!

Hey, you know you can now read DFC strips on the interwebs for free? All you cheapskates, sorry, I mean undecided non-subscribers can get a taste of all the awesomeness you've been missing out on! Head on over to and enjoy some rather wonderful comics in funky flashpaper form (including the very first episode of Mo-Bot High). I gather the strips are going to be rotated on a regular basis so bookmark it and check back often!

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Wrapping it up

Having drawn all these Santas lately, I thought it would be an awesome thing to the use them to make my own wrapping paper. so that is what I did!

I was rather pleased with it! Although I worry I may have set a precedent for Christmas-related effort which will come back to haunt me in later years.

Friday, 26 December 2008

Morbidly Obese Santa

Everyone else feeling like this? Good, good.

Thursday, 25 December 2008


Merry Christmas, everyone! And hurrah for the miracle of advance-scheduled posts! Here, as a special xmas present from me to you, I give you the gift of... SANTA FORCE!

First up, it's the team leader and strategist... ACTION SANTA!

Handling black ops and stealth present-delivery... it's NINJA SANTA! What is his dark secret, and could it tear apart the team?
The team muscle: SANTA THE BARBARIAN! He is angry! And prone to Berserker Rages!
The team's resident speedster. French! Meet ROLLER SANTA!
Don't forget aboutDISCO SANTA! The team's flamboyant, um, disco guy.

..and finally, their comedy sidekick, SURLY SANTA:

...who is basically just my Dad in a Father Christmas suit.1

Follow their adventures in SANTA FORCE, coming in 2009 from Marvel Comics!2

Merry Christmas, Dad! Merry Christmas, everybody! And check back tomorrow for one final, special Boxing Day Santa...

1 My dad would never wear a Father Christmas suit.
2 This is a COMPLETE LIE, obviously.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Sumo Santa

I weirdly enjoy drawing big fat bellies and body hair. The artist's natural urge towards self-portraiture, I suppose.

Hey, thanks to everyone who linked to my little Santathon here, including such fine upstanding Santa-appreciating townsfolk as John Freeman, Jenni Scott, Joe Gordon, Garen Ewing, Sarah McIntyre and Dave Hailwood. Dave went one better and actually turned some of the Santas into rather awesome little gag strips. Like so:

Check out the rest on Dave's blog!

And if you get a spare minute between opening presents, drinking too much sherry and falling asleep halfway through Doctor Who then check back here tomorrow for a special bumper-sized Santatastic special Christmas Day treat!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008


He's making a list, he's checking it twice, he's DESTROYING DOWNTOWN TOKYO.

Only two more sleeps till Christmas! Or, for those of you who are parents of small babies, NO more sleeps.

Monday, 22 December 2008

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Silver Age Super-Santa

I was going for a Curt Swan kind of thing there.

I am no Curt Swan.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Super Mecha Warrior Santa

As you may have surmised, all these Santas were done as Christmas card drawings for friends and family. This one, however, was for a kid named Max who sent me his totally awesome mo-bot drawing a couple of weeks ago.

Look, I have ONE FAN, you'd better believe he gets his own card.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Tranny Santa

He seems to kind of be a dwarf, as well.

Okay, that one got away from me a bit.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Blaxploitation Santa

...and his sidekick, JIVE TURKEY.

See what I did there?

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Kung-Fu Santa

Now there's a blockbusting two-word holiday movie pitch, right there.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Zombie Santa

It's your brain-munching undead Santa of the Day!

This is actually pretty much how I have felt all week. Only, y'know, less festive.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Santanaut, plus DFC-website-proliferation

It's your Special Spacey Santa of the Day!

While I'm here, I would just like to draw your attention to a couple of websites that have sprung up recently for two strips that are coming soon to the DFC, both of which I'm really excited about:

FRONTIER is a 'weird wild west' strip by my good buddy Jason Cobley and Andrew "dude used to draw Transformers!" Wildman which looks some rip-snortin', tobaccy-chewin' GOOD TIMES.

MIRABILIS: The Year of Wonders is a whole period epic magical fantasy extravaganza by that, I kid you not, looks absolutely amazing. Really can't wait to read this one.

There's a whole bunch of other stuff coming soon to the DFC that I'm all kinds of excited for, including the returns of Kate Brown's gorgeous manga fantasy The Spider Moon and Ben Haggarty and Adam Brockbank's prehistoric folk-tale opus Mezolith which is honestly so good that every single episode has made me want to give up drawing comics because I am just not worthy. Not to mention the imminent start of Charlie Jefferson and the Tomb of Nazaleod by one of my very favourite comics creators in the whole wide world, Garen Ewing.

Oh yeah, and a second run for James Turner's fantastic Super Animal Adventure Squad, and...... ah, seriously, go and subscribe already!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Santa Panda

This Santa is also quite cute.

Yes that's right, you are going to get a Santa a Day until Christmas!

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Santa Baby

I have been drawing Santas! This one is the cutest.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

DMC Designer

How much do I wish this actually worked?

Yes, it's the Mo-bot designer thingy! As used by Asha in the last couple of episodes of Mo-Bot High.

Remember, this is just a prototype - not all functionality is yet fully enabled. God dammit.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The Perfect Christmas Present

Well, sort of.

Yes, you can now purchase a four-issue gift subscription to The DFC on Amazon! No mess, no fuss - the perfect gift for any child or indeed any right-thinking individual of any age. You can of course still subscribe the regular way, too - this is just a nice extra gift option type thing. And just in time for Christmas!

And speaking of Christmas - check out the new DFC Advent Calendar - an all-singing, all-awesome extravaganza, illustrated by the quite disgracefully talented Etherington Brothers and packed full of funky prizes and stuff.

Bah. Why isn't it Christmas yet?

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Doctor Doodles

Knock knock, Who's there? Doctor, etc...

A few warm-up / practise sketches of the good Doctor, for no better reason than that I am a big nerd and felt like drawing Doctor Who. Isn't that enough?

Monday, 1 December 2008

Good Karma for me!

I loved Saturdays when I was a kid, but one part that I really did not love was when we would inevitably be torn away from cartoons, comics and cereal and forced to spend interminable hours being dragged around the supermarket getting the Big Weekly Shop in. (Another was watching the football scores being read out for what felt like a billion years while waiting for something decent like Knight rider or the A-Team to come on ITV in the afternoon, but that's not really relevant here.)

Anyway, this Saturday I got a nice warm glowy feeling from the knowledge that I had contributed in my own small way towards making that ghastly shopping-based ordeal just a little bit more bearable for thousands of kids across this mediocre nation of ours.


a) that is indeed the sight of a Mo-bot nestled in between Dennis the Menace, Indiana Jones and Optimus Prime on the comics shelves in Tescos, and that fact is HIGHLY AWESOME.
b) yes, I was so excited I took a photo, and that fact is KIND OF TRAGIC.

The DFC is still on sale at branches of Tescos for the next couple of days - run don't walk, etc.

Ekiben Memories

Here's the second part of my travel diary from Japan, originally written for NEO magazine. (Part one here, the original travelog-comic-strip reproduced here).

06 April: More Fun in Kyoto

We start the day by heading in to Kyoto station to wave our shiny JDR passes at helpful officials and book tickets for the next leg of our journey. And also because frankly, we just love Kyoto station. It is hard to explain in words just how phenomenal a building it is – a huge and complex futuristic structure with a sense of space that is absolutely breathtaking. A massive 12-storey staircase dominates one side of the building, stretching up into the sky for no apparent purpose other than simply to look jaw-droppingly cool. It’s like being inside a space station, and indeed I am almost disappointed not to see Gundams taking off for battle from amidst the Ekiben stands. This disappointment evaporates when we come across a ticket machine that is topped with a life-size model of Astro Boy in flight. The fact they have a branch of ‘Mr. Donut’ only adds to my giddy suffusion of happiness.

From the station we catch a personal-space-compromisingly crowded bus across town to Ginkaku-ji, a famous old temple surrounded by beautiful Zen gardens. We marvel at the exquisitely-raked gravel and implausibly perfect sand sculptures, and at the fact that it manages to retain an atmosphere of tranquillity and contemplation despite the genuinely incredible volume of tourists snaking dutifully around its paths. This is a very popular area, and the fact that it is currently the cherry blossom season does not exactly keep the crowds away. The crush continues as we head off from Ginkaku-ji down the fabled ‘Philosophers Walk’, an old canalside path that meanders through the east of the city past approximately ONE HUNDRED BILLION ridiculously beautiful temples, shrines, gates and houses, all surrounded by candyfloss clouds of cherry blossom. The walk takes its name from 19th century philosopher Nishida Kitaro, who liked to amble up and down it all day while pondering ineffable metaphysical conundrums. These days it seems most visitors are more concerned with eating green tea ice cream and taking thousands of digital photos of cherry blossom than with getting any serious philosophy done. I attempt to rectify matters by explaining to Di the Teleological Argument for the existence of God in both its classical and Cartesian forms. We both rapidly decide that eating green tea ice cream and taking thousands of photos of cherry blossom looks like more fun, so we do that instead.

07 April: Nara

Nara is a smallish town, around half of which is taken up with a massive deer park, filled with hundreds of shrines, temples and, perhaps unsurprisingly, deer. These deer roam freely around, and there are little stalls where visitors are given the opportunity to purchase ‘Deer Food’ – packs of hard and surprisingly appetising-looking biscuits. I decide not to take advantage of this opportunity, as it seems to me that there are quite enough people feeding the deer already, and I would not wish to contribute to the worrying rise of obesity amongst Japan’s deer population. Also, because I am cheap. Apparently the deer sense this and take offence, as one saunters towards me with a menacing glint in his eye and proceeds to take a massive bite out of the corner of my Lonely Planet Japan guidebook. So I guess the biscuits aren’t that filling after all.

After several hours of wandering around and dodging psychotic deer, shrine fatigue starts to set in and we wander back to our Ryokan for a bite of dinner. This turns out to be our first experience of Kaiseki-Ryori, a formal Japanese dinner consisting of about 150 individual courses of wildly diverse colours, textures and styles. Our host delivers these all at once piled high on a large tray, and then backs out of the room with an odd gliding motion. He had delivered the food with an air of hushed respectfulness that was actually bordering on the creepy, so we are not desperately sorry to see him leave, except that in his absence there is no-one to provide any helpful pointers on what on earth all this stuff actually is, or how one is supposed to set about tackling it. It makes an amazing visual spectacle, certainly, but considered as a meal there are rather too many strange-coloured unidentifiable gelatinous blobs and awkward “am I supposed to eat this?” moments for my liking.

After putting in a solid effort we wander out for a stroll in the direction of ‘Comic Buster’, a manga and internet café that I’d noted in passing earlier in the day. I’d been meaning to check one of these places out since we arrived in Japan and it in no way disappoints. It’s an amazing little place where one pays a small hourly fee and gets a little private booth in which to surf the internet, watch TV and DVDs, listen to music, and of course read comics to one’s hearts content. The selection of available manga volumes is truly mind-bending, thousands upon thousands of them covering every wall in every direction. Every single volume of every single manga I have ever heard of seems to be present, and that accounts for approximately 0.01% of what is on offer. While getting to grips with these wonders you can help yourself to all the caffeine-loaded beverages you can handle, which is a nice touch for those planning an all-night 10-volume Manga binge. Because of course, ‘Comic Buster’ is open all night. It honestly feels like I’ve died and gone to heaven. The most amazing thing is the atmosphere: clean, friendly, bright and welcoming. Whilst there, all the other customers I see are women. The contrast between all this and the experience of frequenting comics shops back in the UK is so sharp as to prompt violent unbidden sobs. Indeed, I try to imagine a place like ‘Comic Buster’ existing back home and fail – it would turn into a seedy and slightly sticky porn-den within minutes of opening, I fear. Some nations can be trusted with a private booth and an internet connection, and some can’t. A cursory wander around Soho will confirm for the curious into which category the British belong, unfortunately.

Nara continues to exceed all expectations with our next stop: on the way home we accidentally stumble upon ’Bar Hayasuka’, a tiny 2nd-floor backstreet whiskey bar that I fall hopelessly in love with at first sight. The entire venue is slightly smaller than the toilet in most bars, barely having room for the bar itself and a single row of stools propped against it. They sell no beer, no soft drinks, merely the most astonishing array of rare, limited edition and private-reserve-members-club-only Scotch whiskies I have ever seen in my life. The barman sits in front of these like a proud curator, nodding his head softly to the Charlie Parker jazz playing softly on the stereo and reading a well-thumbed copy of ‘Whiskey’ magazine.

You get the feeling that this guy quite likes whiskey.

You also get the feeling that the rest of the population of Nara does not share his passion, as apart from us the bar is completely empty, and something about the atmosphere leads one to suspect that this has probably been the case for several weeks. But what the hell – he seems happy enough and isn’t bothering anybody, so let the chap have his fun, right? After a couple of eye-wateringly wonderful ‘cheeky wee drams’ that he expertly selects for us, we leave this marvellous eccentric to enjoy his wall of whiskey in peace. As we walk home I am filled with happiness simply that there are such diverse and fascinating people in the world. And that they will sell me whiskey.

08 April: Himeji

Himeji, despite boasting a breathtakingly huge and ancient Samurai-Era castle, is actually kind of a dull town. Or perhaps we catch it on a bad day; everything is grey and muggy and smoggy, and after the excitement of psychotic deer, manga cafes and whiskey-afficionado lunatics it all just seems a bit underwhelming. The castle itself though is undeniably spectacular. We pay our entrance fees and wander round it, soaking up the ambience of the hundreds of Samurai movies to have been filmed in these hallowed walls. Climbing a flight of steps in the tower, I manage to completely ignore a ‘mind your head’ sign, and crash my head into an ancient wooden beam with a resounding impact that almost shatters us both. I feel violently sick, both from the pain and from the embarrassment that would no doubt ensue if I accidentally brought one of Japan’s most famous and beloved architectural landmarks crashing down in a shower of rubble.

Of course, people here being as polite as they are, probably no-one would actually mention it, but I’d feel a little awkward about it all nonetheless.

09 April: Himeji – Kumamoto (change at Fukuoka)

Our first mistake of the day occurs when I leave a sketchbook tucked into the back of the seat when we change trains at Fukuoka. A couple of giant robot designs I was really pleased with are lost to posterity, but I dare say civilisation will survive somehow.

Our second mistake of the day occurs when we get off the train at Kami-Kumamoto, which is not our stop, rather than at Kumamoto, which is. We manage to get the next train and arrive at our correct destination around half an hour late to meet our friends Sean and Yuki, who are waiting patiently for us with their son Tomi. Sean and Yuki are extremely kindly putting us up for a few days, and have also most graciously arranged a little shindig to celebrate our arrival. Over several beers and Yuki’s absolutely delicious home-cooked fish things (again, the technical term escapes me) we meet several lovely people including Coco (who helps Sean out with his various comics projects), Herbert (an American expat language teacher who has been pretty much everywhere and knows pretty much everything), and a whole bunch of other very nice people whose names I have shamefully forgotten. Tomi-chan runs around the place like, well, a Japanese 2-year-old hopped up on sugar and with a whole room full of appreciative strangers to show off to.

As the party wraps up and Tomi’s bedtime looms, we menfolk (and Di) head on out to experience the nightlife of Kumamoto. We start out in ‘Jeff’s Bar’, a favourite spot for gaijin expats, and then head on to a traditional Japanese Izakaya (or ‘pub’) where we are introduced to local specialty Shochu – a kind of version of vodka made with sweet potatoes. After that it all gets a little hazy.

... and good god but I felt ill the day after that. I remember wandering around Kumamoto going to various manga shops with Sean, buying bottles of 'Pocari Sweat' and 'Wild Drip' from every other vending machine we passed to try and stave off the pukiness.

That's it! There was going to be a part three, but... um, I never got round to writing it. I guess that's as good an excuse as any to go back. One day I will have to post here the story of my hugely exciting if, as it turned out, entirely unsuccessful meeting with the managing director of Rough Guides where I tried to pitch the idea of them paying me to travel round the world and draw comics about it.

Can't think why they didn't go for it.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Max's Mo-Bots!

I was absolutely delighted to receive the drawing above from a reader - the very talented Mr. Max Wardle (age 7)! This totally reminds me of the drawings I would make after reading a new issue of Transformers when I was a kid... and look how that worked out.

He's got it all in there - Asha, the DMC pictograms, and a BIG BLUE MO-BOT and everything. Awesome job! I can only hope that when I get to Season 4 of Mo-bot High, my version is half as exciting as Max's.

(Check out the DFC website for more reader art and fun stuff like how to draw a mo-bot yourself!)

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


How cool is that? A reminder, courtesy of the wonderful Sarah McIntyre of Vern & Lettuce fame, that issue 26 of The DFC goes on sale in Tescos all across the land from today!

A snip at £1.99 - and it's a pretty cracking issue, too. A great new story starts - The Mighty M by Laura Howell, there's a new Monkey Nuts adventure by the always-jaw-dropping Etherington Brothers, and... look, it's just pretty great, alright?

Anyway, it turns out it's a nice way to mark six months of The DFC! Good lord, has it been that long already? Over on the Forbidden Planet blog they're running a series of posts to mark the occasion, which is nice.

While I'm linking, apparently Sarah and Jim Medway just happened to bump into Matt Groening the other day, and Jim gave him a copy of the DFC. Good work, dudes! I think if I had been there I would just have stammered, mumbled incoherently about how I, y'know, really like futurama and stuff, and generally embarrassed myself and everyone in the room. Good job I wasn't there, really.

Please excuse all the linkage and general uncharacteristic air of enthusiasm, I just received a totally awesome bit of mo-bot fan art from a kid that has made my week, if not year.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Octopus Ball Memories

I have been wistfully reminiscing about the long-gone pre-baby, pre-freelancing days when I was actually able to go on holiday from time to time. Over on Unified Review Theory I just posted up a strip I drew for NEO magazine a few years ago about a trip Di and I took to Japan. I also wrote up some additional stuff on the trip to go on the NEO website, which I thought I might as well stick up here. Indulge me in this little trip down memory lane...

01 April: Oxford-Heathrow-Tokyo Narita

Our trip to Japan starts as all major journeys in my life apparently must; with a brutal hangover. We pitch up at Heathrow with a generous 4 hours or so before our flight, planning to enjoy a leisurely airport experience. A key part of my plan for the trip is to buy a couple of smart shirts in one of the many designer shops which I usually wander past obliviously but seem to have a vague feeling can be found in airports. The one time I have been to Japan previously was a few years ago, as a stopover on the way home from a long trip backpacking in Australia. I remember to this day the sense of shame I felt wandering around Tokyo in my dishevelled unkempt smelly-t-shirted state, surrounded by its uniformly stylish and impeccably smart residents. I am determined this time to give a better account of myself, looking snappy and stylish in the extreme. Or failing that, just not like an alcoholic vagrant.

Unfortunately for this noble plan, every single person in Britain seems to have decided that today is the day to leave the country, as the entire airport is made up of one giant, unmoving series of incredibly long queues. Despite our early start we manage to STILL end up running for the plane like demented wildebeest, with not a second to spare for refreshments or ablutions, let alone such unnecessary luxuries as shirt-puchasing. History seems doomed to repeat itself, and once again I am an ambassador of scruffiness for the people of Britain.

02 April: Tokyo

Bleary eyed and quite impossibly tired, we make our way from Narita into central Tokyo, having first picked up our pleasingly shiny Japan Rail Passes ( These really are a fantastic offer, allowing you unlimited travel around Japan for a 7 or 14-day period at massively discounted rates. A word of warning to the disorganised: JR passes cannot actually be purchased within Japan; you have to book them before your trip and then pick them up from a JR office when you arrive. This is a perfectly simple procedure but still marks the first of about 1,000 occasions during these two weeks when I am enormously thankful for having a wife who is resourceful and clever and can actually, you know, organise stuff.

Tokyo itself is muggy, overcast, and generally doing a very good expression of our own sleep-deprived, heavy-legged state. Everything seems grey and slightly fuzzy. We drag our suddenly ludicrously heavy bags from Tokyo station to the edge of the imperial palace; maybe half a kilometre but it feels like a hundred. We swiftly give up on the whole ‘tourist’ enterprise and collapse into a café next to the station that seems to be the Japanese version of a greasy spoon (‘greasy chopstick’?). They bring us Tempura and big frosty mugs of beer. And just like that, everything is better.

03 April: Tokyo

The previous night turned into a bit of a blur of neon, beer and Okonomiyaki in downtown Shinjuku, so we end up sleeping in late at our Ryokan before heading out for our first day of tourism proper, during which we manage to squeeze in the following moments of sheer life-altering glory:
  • Eating Hot Octopus Balls in the shade of the giant red Asakusa shrine, amidst a sea of cherry blossom
  • Wandering amongst the sheer mangafied craziness of Akihabara, and giving my wallet a severe beating in a shop entirely devoted to cool Gundam junk
  • Discovering the joys of pushbutton-waitresses in a truly lame coffee shop called ‘Jonathons’
  • Kicking back in an underground-shopping-mall-Irish-theme-bar in Roppongi Hills with huge great flagons of Asahi Black, officially the Greatest Beer In The World.
  • Dodging hilariously drunken salarymen on the subway home.

The levels of public drunkenness are a bit of a surprise in a country that has such a reputation for being orderly and well behaved – businessmen and gangs of young women roam the streets in absolutely s#!tfaced condition, singing and roaring and making regular, spectacular whole-body nosedives towards the nearest pavement or train platform. However, despite the superhuman levels of inebriation on display, there’s none of the atmosphere of chaos or violence that all too often accompanies such scenes back home. The whole thing just seems quite charming , and hugely entertaining.

Drunken salarymen, we salute you! Kampei!

04 April: Nikko

Getting out of Tokyo proves a little complicated, as we manage to get lost on the Tokyo subway system during rush hour. This is not an experience I would recommend, unless you are particularly keen to discover how small a space the human body can be compressed into without actually popping. Which I don’t imagine you are. After a couple of wrong turns we get back onto the correct line and escape onto a roomy, air-conditioned Shinkansen bound for Nikko.

Nikko itself is a small mountain town with an alpine feel, a couple of hours journey from Tokyo. A 40-minute walk up the hill from the train station brings you to a massive, sprawling complex of temples, shrines and world-heritage-listed goodness, culminating in the burial place of Tokugawa Ieyasu: first Shogun, father of modern Japan, and all-round helluva guy. The shrine that has been built to house his remains does justice to his near-deified status in Japan. Huge, impossibly ornate and covered with more gold than is strictly tasteful, it is a genuinely awe-inspiring place, not least because as we walk up between towering cedar trees to the enormous stone Tori gate, I get a little shiver of excitement from pretending that I am actually in the old N64 game‘Mystical Ninja Goemon’, and trying to spot ninjas hiding behind the trees.

Back down in the town, we stop into a tiny café, the walls of which are literally covered with letters of recommendation from happy customers from all over Japan and the world. A small boy looks up from his Nintendo DS long enough to draw quick portraits of us both on his ‘hello kitty’ sketchpad, which he then presents to us with an endearingly solemn demeanour. I return the favour by drawing the kid’s portrait, which is then plastered on the wall in due course by his gratifyingly delighted parent. It is a wonderful little place with fantastically friendly service, it serves a mean plate of meatballs-on-a-stick, and if I was any kind of an actual professional travel writer I would have remembered to write its name down rather than just wandering away in a pleasantly tipsy haze.

But then, if I was any kind of an actual professional travel writer, I would have bothered to write down the correct Japanese name for the delicious and lovingly-prepared meal I refer to here as meatballs-on-a-stick.

Still, never mind, eh?

05 April: Tokyo-Kyoto.

After the “curry donut incident” at Tokyo station, we take our seats on the Shinkansen for a short spot of well-organised air-conditioned luxury to take us through to Kyoto. I doodle giant robots while Di makes heavy use of our Japanese phrasebook to conduct an impressively long conversation with the elderly woman in the next seat, about whom we learn the following:
  • she is a housewife and grandmother
  • she teaches calligraphy classes
  • she loves beer and drinks it every day.
This last fact is imparted with a massive grin and an unmistakeable air of pride.

Kyoto establishes itself fairly quickly as my new favourite place in the world; after a couple of hours of wandering I am already mentally looking for a house to buy and negotiating the complexities of the Japanese visa system. It simply feels like home, in a way that makes little sense but is wonderful nonetheless. Wandering up a street in one of Kyotos’s old geisha districts by night gives us our quintessential Japan moment. Lanterns glow amongst the dark, old wooden buildings on one side as cherry blossom drifts down into the canal and we gaze up to neon lights and karaoke bars on the opposite bank.

Also, they have beer.


I miss Hot Octopus Balls.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Vampiric Panda Style

Here is the design for a t-shirt Asha wore in exactly one page of MO-BOT High. (1.2.0 - the between-seasons teaser strip, fact fans!)

I totally need to get this on a baby-sized t-shirt for Logan.

Mo-Bot Sketch

I don't think I ever got round to posting this here - a Mo-Bot High sketch I drew for a charity auction in aid of the Samaritans organised by the marvellous Dave Shelton, creator of the equally marvellous Good Dog, Bad Dog.

Drawn old-school style using pen and paper rather than wacom because, um, I happened to have locked myself out of the house that afternoon.

Monday, 17 November 2008

DFC on sale in Tescos next week!

Hey! Have you ever thought to yourself "this DFC comic Neill keeps banging on about sounds totally awesome but I wish I was able to just pick up a copy in the shops and check it out and stuff before subscribing?"

Of course you have! (Unless you subscribe already. In which case you already know about the whole "totally awesome" thing.) Well, now is your chance as next week - for one week only, from 26th November to 2nd December as a kinda marketing test thing - The DFC will be on the shelves in Tescos. Here is what to look for!

(This is a different cover to the one subscribers will get, but the insides contain the same comic-y goodness)

There you go, you can pick up a super nifty comic while getting the donuts in. Good times!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Thursday, 13 November 2008


I have to draw model sheets for myself otherwise I tend to get very confused and when I look back at a strip, realise that everyone's outfits have been changing from panel to panel.

Here is the model sheet for the look Asha and Shelly have been rocking in the last few episodes of Mo-Bot High.

I'm getting quite into drawing patterns.

Hey, you know what? Go read the DFC!

Monday, 27 October 2008

Top Trumps

To celebrate the start of MO-BOT High Season 2, those nice chaps over at the DFC website have updated the MO-BOT High page with some funky new stuff, including the full - for now- set of trading cards / character profile thingys what I made.

Like so.

Check it out!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Read MO-BOT High online!

I've just put the first episode of my DFC strip MO-BOT High up on my website where you can read it for FREE! How about that. If you like what you see, hey, why not subscribe to the DFC?

And don't forget, Season 2 begins in issue 22 - on sale tomorrow!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

The Big Picture

At the moment I'm doing all my pencilling and inking digitally, using a program called Manga Studio (mostly for reasons of efficiency, although also 'cause its just really quite fun). One of the cool things about the application is that it treats a project as one story, not just a whole bunch of unrelated image files. So you get to look at your whole story spread out before you, and get a great sense of progress as the blank pages get filled in as you go along.

I am currently enjoying that sense of satisfaction on Season 2 of Mo-Bot High, but of course I can't show you any of that here, as it is filled with exciting and dramatic plot developments that you will have to go and subscribe to the DFC to enjoy. But here is a little behind-the-scenes look at the story file for season 1, simply because I think it's quite a cool thing to look at. (If, that is, you are a massive process nerd like me.)

It's all very small, anyway. Hopefully no-one's enjoyment of the story has been spoiled this way!

Did I mention that Season 2 starts next week? Its going to be pretty skill.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Rap Lyric Of The Day, 01/10/08

"I like Streetfighter II, I just really hate Zangief
Only Ken and Ryu, I find it hard to be Blanka"

- Lupe Fiasco, Gold Watch, from The Cool (2008)

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Mo-Bot Trailer on YouTube!

Don't forget, Mo-Bot High season 2 starts in issue 22 of The DFC. Did I mention that it is going to be FLIPPING AWESOME?

Check out more funky DFC-related videos on the new DFC YouTube channel!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Couple Things!

  • I will be at the Birmingham International Comics Show this sunday (5th October) - I'm on a panel about the DFC at 3pm and will be otherwise hanging around the DFC booth or just generally floating about the place looking confused and a little tired. (Going on past form at comics conventions).
  • There is a feature about current developments in British comics in the latest issue of the Judge Dredd Megazine which features an interview with my fellow DFC creator Garen Ewing (and a tasty little smidgen of Mo-bot art). Garen posts about it here.
There was something else. I forget what.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

MO-BOTS in Motion

There is a brand new animated trailer for Season 2 of Mo-Bot High over on the DFC website. Go check it out! It is both NIFTY and AWESOME.

Be sure to check out next week's issue (#19) for a special teasery trailery preview of the new series, and then it all kicks off proper in issue #22 (on sale 24/10/08). What do you mean you aren't subscribed already? Go and subscribe!

(For more DFC-related goodness, check out this interview with editor David Fickling! And check back here soon for more deliriously exciting mo-bot related news!)

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Rap Lyric of The Day, 25/09/08

"Hip-hop's dead,
That's what they said on the news.
Nah, it's still alive,
but its getting confused."

- Just Won't Stop (Featuring Yungun Aka Essa), The Herbaliser, Same As It Never Was (2008)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Brief Encounter

I think I kind of made them look like androids
I recently won a competition on the highly enjoyable movie review podcast Filmspotting, and got to pick a film for the guys who host the show to review. I went for Brief Encounter, as - well, it's just awesome, isn't it? A perfect marriage of script, performances and direction. Also, everyone talks hilariously posh, and there's a highly entertaining moment where the kid playing the daughter looks straight into the camera by mistake. Many chuckles!

Anyway, why not go and listen to the show? (The review starts a few minutes in).

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Illustration Process

I thought it might be (mildly) fun and / or interesting to show the process I go through in producing an illustration - in this case a t-shirt design for AR Mcguire - steadicam operators extraordinaire. This was for a promotional t-shirt to be given away to cast and crew on the set of the new Streetfighter movie, then shooting in Thailand.

Step 1: Roughs

I started with a rough pencil sketch, based on the brief - to produce an illustration showing the AR steadicam operator as a Streetfighter-style character, surrounded by the actual characters in the movie. I didn't worry too much about likenesses etc. at this stage, as it was just to get the basic gist of the design in place.

This then got changed and added to a couple of times, as the client requested additional characters and various minor alterations.

1. First version.

2: Balrog pops up top right, M. Bison (top centre) has his dodgy arm attended to.

3. A new challenger! And another. I forget these guys' names.

Step 2: Inks

Once the client was happy with the roughs, I then inked the design. I usually do my 'inking' in Manga Studio, but decided to try a different approach for this. I started by drawing in the white highlights on the characters, and then filled in the black shapes behind them. I really enjoyed working this way, and love the high-contrast vaguely-Frank-Miller-y effect it gives you. I'm totally going to try drawing a whole comic in this style. One of these days. When I get a minute.

At this stage I had to use a lot of photo reference to get the actors likenesses right - I'm pretty pleased with the result - while being quite abstract / stylised, I think they do kind of look like the people they're supposed to be. (I forget some of them, but casting highlights include Kristin Kreuk as Chun-Li and Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog.)

I stuck in a red background to give these JPEGs a nice high contrast look, but the actual files were sent to the client as unflattened files with a transparent background, so they could be printed on the t-shirt colour of their choice.

I produced a couple of versions, one with the black figure art for all the characters and one with it only on the camera operator.

I think I like the second one best.