Sunday, 25 January 2009

Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Pirates

I was reading a collection of Grant Morrison's Doctor Who comics the other day, which I'd highly recommend. It's published by IDW, reprinted from Doctor Who Magazine in the 80's, and is chock-full of crazy Morrison ideas and absolutely beautiful John Ridgway art, superbly recoloured. Anyway, as I was happily reliving all sorts of pleasant childhood memories, it occurred to me that drawing Doctor Who comics would be about as much fun as a chap could have.

As such, I prepared the following sample pages, which I reproduce here for your enjoyment, and in the vague hope that someone somewhere on the internet will see them and give me a job.

Anyway, they were awfully fun to do.

Credit where it's due: the dino-ships are a straight lift from The Pirates of Pangaea, a project I'm working on with my writerly friend Dan Hartwell, about which I'm sure I'll post lots more here anon.

Seriously, what did I JUST SAY?

Completely ignoring my own very good advice in the last post, I've been tinkering further with that cover image.

Happy now. I think.

What's that? "What's the point in spending time playing around endlessly with an image that was finished, approved and printed several months ago?"

Apparently this is just what I consider 'fun'.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Early-Version Mobot Cover

Fun things! Here is an early, unused version of what ended up being the cover for issue 9 of The DFC:

I ended up redrawing it and obsessively tinkering with the colours about 17 more times, but have now characteristically decided that - aside from Asha looking a little green around the gills - this was probably my favourite version after all.

But then again, I'll probably change my mind again next time I look at it.


Monday, 12 January 2009

Best Letter Ever

From issue 30 of The DFC:

Me too, Kevin. Me too.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Hey, guess who turned 80 yesterday?

This guy!

He looks good on it.

(Drawn quickly to celebrate the momentousness of the occasion, of which I was alerted by Garen's Blog)

Wednesday, 7 January 2009


Here's a little snippet of a thing I'm drawing at the moment - inks and backgrounds removed, this is just the colour layer.
I just thought it looked cool like that!

Monday, 5 January 2009

Cover Variants and Multiple Mo-Bots

Happy New Year everyone!

A little while back when it turned out my mo-botty cover image was going to be used on the issue of the DFC that went into Tescos, we went through a few iterations with different colour schemes, layouts etc, for reasons too complicated, highly technical and indeed boring to go into here. Anyway, at one point an idea was that the Tesco-version and the regular subscribers' version would have different coloured Mo-bots on. I thought this would be kind of a fun thing, and actually went very nicely with the story, which was at that point all to do with choosing patterns and colour schemes and all that good Gok Wan type stuff. (I do love me some Gok Wan).

Anyway, the final versions ended up being a bit different, so I thought I'd post a couple of the working versions here.

In the RED corner:

And in the BLUE corner: