Friday, 4 April 2014

Tamsin and the Deep - starts today!

Out today is issue 118 of The Phoenix, which features (as well as a bunch of other awesome comics, some of them involving mega robo brothers) the first instalment of Tamsin and the Deep, my new Cornwall-based fantasy mystery adventure strip with the amazing Kate Brown! Feast your eyes on Kate's cover for the issue above! And you can read a bit of info from me about it HERE. Excitement! Spookiness! Surfing and cute dogs! True believers, this one's GOT IT ALL.

EDIT: Steve Morris of Comics Vanguard interviewed Kate and me about the strip you can read those interviews and find out lots more about Tamsin, HERE: (Kate) (me)

Do pick up the comic! It's the beginning of something really exciting, I think.

Buy the Phoenix online, on iPad, or from any of these stockists.