Thursday, 29 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies: #truthis


Twitter links: @neillcameron, #hashtagfunnies, #truthis

Sorry for the lack of a strip yesterday, my back was to the wall with deadlines. Turned out to be a false economy, as without the morning warm-up that #hashtagfunnies provides, it took me ages to get going and I was pretty much useless all morning.

So we've established that doing this works for me, if nothing else.

EDIT: Oh hey, I forgot to say, I set up a Hashtag Funnies Facebook page, essentially so that Di and other FB loyalists can read these too. You can check it out here.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies: 'Bono'

Here is today's instalment of hashtag funnies, a comic strip I draw each day as a 1-hour warm-up exercise, based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of the day's trending topics on twitter.

Hashtag Funnies 08: Bono

Twitter links: @neillcameron, #hashtagfunnies, Bono

I went a little bit over an hour today, I was enjoying myself too much and I lost track of time. (Hairy backs and gorillas are two of my favourite things to draw. Make of that what you will.)

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies: Balloon Boy

Here is today's instalment of hashtag funnies, a comic strip I draw each day as a 1-hour warm-up exercise, based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of the day's trending topics on twitter.


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies: #gotacrushon

Here is today's instalment of hashtag funnies, a comic strip I draw each day Mon-Fri as a 1-hour warm-up exercise, based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of the day's trending topics on twitter.


Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies: #lieswomentell

Here is today's instalment of hashtag funnies, a comic strip I draw each day Mon-Fri as a 1-hour warm-up exercise, based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of the day's trending topics on twitter.


Monday, 19 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies 4: #doyoumind

Here is today's instalment of hashtag funnies, a comic strip I draw each day Mon-Fri as a 1-hour warm-up exercise, based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of the day's trending topics on twitter.


Friday, 16 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies 3: 'Glee'

Here is today's Hashtag Funnies strip!

Twitter links: @neillcameron, #hashtagfunnies, Glee

I think the 'Glee' people on Twitter are talking about is actually some TV show, but I don't know it so went for a different interpretation.

Anyway! I was amazed, delighted and utterly confused to read today a 1,500-word analysis of my social media strategy by the scholarly and erudite Pete Ashton. He makes some very good points, (including a tip about how if I used Flickr I apparently could have saved myself hundreds of pounds GODDAMMIT), and it's generally quite a fascinating read. Pete absolutely gets my motivations for doing things like the A-Z of Awesomeness and these daily nonsense hashtag strips, but explains them much more precisely and knowledgeably than I would be able to myself. Also at much greater length - I think if I wrote a 1,500 word essay here on the subject of ME, the internet would punch me in the face (and be quite right to do so).

Anyway, you can go read it here.

Mostly, I am just delighted to discover I have a social media strategy. Well done me!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Hashtag Funnies

Hello, I'm Neill, you may remember me from such fun stupid internet things as Neill's A-Z of Awesomeness. Anyway, welcome to my new fun stupid internet thing, Hashtag Funnies.

Here are the rules of Hashtag Funnies:
  1. Every day I draw a comic strip based on / inspired by / tangentially related to one of that day's trending topics on Twitter.
  2. Drawing the strip must not take more than 1 hour. (On account of how I do have rather a lot of actual work to do. This is really just meant as a warm-up exercise, kind of thing.)
...that's about it for the rules. I just thought this would be a fun way to do something that I've been meaning to do for a while, which is to draw some comics strips, for fun. They may or may not make sense, or be funny, or be remotely well drawn. I may or may not have any idea what the hashtag / trending topic is actually the hell about. I just thought it would be, y'know, a fun thing.

Today's hashtag was #tellmewhy. This would be an example of a case where no, I don't remotely get what that's the hell about.

Anyway, I am going to try and do this every day, Monday to Friday, until either I get bored of it or one of us dies. Join me, won't you?