Tuesday 6 April 2010

Watching Doctor Who

FP New Who Strip 550px

My nerdiness for Doctor Who will be familiar to followers of this blog, which may explain why Matt Badham asked me to contribute a short review of the first episode of the new series for a quick round-up of reactions on the Forbidden Planet blog. I was delighted to contribute, but thought I'd probably be better off drawing something as, y'know, that's sort of my thing. The way it all worked out over Easter I only had a very short window to come up with an idea and draw something immediately after seeing the episode in question, so the strip above is what you get.

While I'm here, a quick update on the A-Z posters! They are very nearly all sold out again, and so I'm going to be taking them off sale again today. I won't be printing any more as, quite frankly, the time it takes to pack and send them all out is kind of killing me. Once I've closed the books and done the sums and taken the cheque for the the final tally to SSNAP I will blog the details here!


  1. Alas the last panel should have been "Mumble mumble peep peep" based on what they've done to the theme tune, but otherwise spot on!

  2. I just experienced a flashback of Christmas Day 2008, when The Next Doctor (60 minute special) took precedence over post-Christmas feast present-giving :)
