1.Asha (our hero)I've been drawing a few promo pics of some of the characters from
Mo-Bot High - haven't quite figured out what to do with 'em, just fancied drawing some mo-bots really. Anyway, as an experiment / fun thing, I thought I'd try posting the results to my
twitter account at each stage of completion, so people could follow how I produce an image, from roughs to colours.
Anyway, here are the collated results!
2. Sophie (the cool one)
3. Shelly (*thinks* she's the cool one)
4. Sasha (the baddy, the nemesis, destroyer of worlds)Will post the results here whenever I fgure out what I'm doing with 'em. I'm thinking some kind of big standup poster to take to shows and such...
Beautiful! Always did adore those Mo-Bot designs, with their lovely glowy outlines. Really interesting to see them "pre-Photoshop" too.