Hey, I have a
book coming out! I have resisted blogging about it too much as yet because the release date is still a few months away, but I just got my advance copies and could not contain myself any longer. Here they are, my gorgeous shiny hardbacked glossy technicolour babies:

I can't begin to say how happy I am with how they've turned out - the printing and production is just gorgeous, and really suits the art I think - there's all sorts of little details and effects that maybe got a bit lost on the page in the DFC but which really come out on the shiny paper stock used for the books. I took the opportunity of putting the books together to polish up the art, too, so I'm really, really happy with it all now.
Also: there is a brand new ending! And oh heavens but I am tickled with that. But sshhhh, because it is a SECRET.
Anyway, I've started work this week on a few Mo-Bot High images to go on posters or suchlike nearer the release date, and thought I'd tweet the results as I go along, from intial scribbles to finshed art, so those of a mind to can follow the artistic process at work. You can follow the results on
my twitter, where I'm tagging them with the hashtag
#mobots. Lots more to come in the next few days!