Because really, what sums up the spirit of Christmas like a penguin with a handgun?

Little Hashtag Funnies callback for you there.
Due to the miracle of advance-scheduled posting, I am off stuffing a Turkey right now... unless I've been like hit by a bus or something in the day or so between typing this and Christmas Day. God, that would be morbid, wouldn't it? Why am I being so morbid? It's Christmas, for God's sake.
Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope I don't get hit by a bus now.
Due to the miracle of advance-scheduled posting, I am off stuffing a Turkey right now... unless I've been like hit by a bus or something in the day or so between typing this and Christmas Day. God, that would be morbid, wouldn't it? Why am I being so morbid? It's Christmas, for God's sake.
Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope I don't get hit by a bus now.